Climate Change Action Checklist

A four panel image suggesting various of Earths biomes and human anatomy

Talk about Climate Change

Solving climate change requires us all to work together. We can’t do that without finding common ground with those who may not share our perspective.

Buy a reusable coffee cup/water bottle - and use them!

Americans throw away 200 BILLION cups each year!

Bring your own grocery bags

Plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to decompose.

Make conscious transportation choices

Taking a train instead of a short-haul flight and biking and walking instead of driving are better for your carbon emissions and air quality (and your health!)

Vacation close to home

One round-trip flight to Europe adds 3-4 tons to your carbon footprint.

Lower the thermostat

Save energy and money by lowering the thermostat temperature in winter and raising the AC temperature in Summer.

Avoid “vampire power” by unplugging idle chargers and appliances

Standby power accounts for 5-10% of residential energy use.

Ditch paper towels

Use a cloth rag, washcoth or newspaper instead.

Eat more plants (and less meat and dairy)

Land use in meat and dairy production has a big impact on climate change.

Go paperless
Unsubscribe to catalogs and pay your bills online.

Wash your clothes in cold water

90% of energy used by your washing machine is to heat the water.

Know your impact

Check your carbon footprint at